Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Watchmen (2009 Film)

As mentioned, after rereading the graphic novel Watchmen I believed it was unfilmable, and went into the movie version thinking it would be awful. It turns out it wasn't awful, but it wasn't particularly good either. It's amazing how much of the book they managed to cram into 160 minutes, but the seriousness of the work's deconstruction of the Superhero and its psychoanalysis of its characters is diminished by out of place graphic violence lingered on in loving slow-motion and even more out of place music, both of which added a level of jokiness that seemed to suggest that Visionary Director Zack Snyder felt he was superior to the whole fiasco. Maybe if I wasn't so familiar with the source material than I would have felt it was better, but at least Rorschach was terrific, and Night Owl and The Comedian were pretty spot on, too.



Chris said...


John said...

I haven't seen it yet, and may not until it comes out on DVD. I don't really like going to movies alone, and I've heard from everyone who's a fan of the book that it was mediocre.

Chris said...

That's what everyone says when books are adapted, and I wish people could offer better critiques than that.

It's probably what every asshole says when they leave a movie based on a Grisham or Brown novel.

Real insightful.

laurie said...

I'm with Chris. It was slow in parts, but overall I was entertained. But I am easily entertained by fighting and comic book heroes. And I enjoy any movie with full frontal male nudity, even if he does have a blue peen.

John said...

WTF is a peen?

laurie said...

It's girl talk for "penis."

John said...


LoCo said...

Man, I was like, "Who's Brown?" I love the MFA.

laurie said...

I just have to say, it is really cracking me up that John didn't know what peen was and then asked. Tyra Banks would be so disappointed in you, John.

John said...

I knew that. I just wanted to hear someone say "penis."

With my eyes.

Chris said...

It's Dan Brown, right?

John said...

I think you mean Umberto Eco.

Viking Andrew said...

What is going on here?

laurie said...

Nothin, we're just talkin bout blue peens.

McT's Girlfriend said...

I think it would be more polite if you said "wiener" rather than "penis" or even "peens."

laurie said...

I'm sorry, I can't call it a "weiner" and still find it sexy. So I'm either calling it penis, peen, or something dirty, or I'm becoming a lesbian full time.

John said...

I vote lesbian. Less risk of accidentally having sex with McTavish that way.

McT's Girlfriend said...

Accidental sex, which normally involves liquor and fun, is the best sex. Like what happened last night. Wow. Hot. Awesome.

Planned sex, which normally involves Viagra and is performed as an obligation, is boring sex. It’s the kind you have when you are married.

John said...

You know nothing, dogman. Ask anyone with a ring on their finger--married people don't have sex.

LipstickMom123 said...

Boy Howdy John from Canada! I just can't find a man who can keep up with me!

Timmaaay!!! said...

I just heard some high school students talking about "see[ing] Watchmen again so [they] can make fun of it". Made me smile.