Monday, March 30, 2009

Soccer (Football) Fans

What's so bad about hundreds of thousands of Europeans gathering in one place, getting drunk, waving flags and chanting? Is that so terrifying? I give big-ups (do the kids still say that?) for the chanting part. Whereas American fans seem to have only two real modes of cheering—Yay! and Boo-urns!—our overseas brethren (and sisteren) take it to a whole new level. One of my favo[u]rite little ditties is "Two World Wars and One World Cup," sung by the English when their natio[u]nal squad faces the Germans (the chant is to the tune of "Camptown Races," inandofitself a racist song). But if catchy tunes intended to conjure centuries of war and violence isn't edgy enough for you, check out the amount of racy (pun!) jingles these people come up with. On the bright side, it appears as if everybody gets a piece of the xenophobic pie[u].

Originality 88%
Bigotry 0%


Robyn said...

My favourite is "The ref is a knobhead with no knob!"

Me said...

Them British folk are craaazy when given too much tea to drink.

laurie said...

So here's a funny thing. I live above a fish and chips joint that has lots of good british beers and cask beer, and every saturday when I leave for my 10:30 yoga class there are no less than 15-20 soccer hooligans hanging out in front of my apt smoking and looking menacing. (Apparently they play the games on the tele on Sat.) They seem friendly enough, tho. Or at least I have never seen any of them smash any faces/heads.

Eric Cantona said...

Here are a few from my song book:

When the red red robin
Goes bob bob bobing along
Shoot the bastard
Shoot the bastard
Shoot, shoot, shoot the bastard

We shall not, we shall not be moved,
We shall not, we shall not be moved,
Just like the team, that's gonna win the F.A. cup - again!
We shall not be moved.

Drink, drink, wherever you may be,
We are the drunk and disorderly,
And we don't give a fuck and we don't give a shit,
We're going home with the championship!

Anonymous said...

As opposed to the civilized fans of football, what are the odds of dying at a soccer game while in the stands? I saw that 22 more just perished in the carnage at another one of these melees.

John from Daejeon

John said...

Soccer fan, or dog uterus gourmand?

Only God knows for sure.

Viking Andrew said...

Don't click here if you are claustrophobic and/or prone to human empathy, but I was going to use this pic for the post instead. It's too disturbing, though. The picture is from the infamous '89 Hillsborough Disaster. Recall: DeLillo used a similar photograph in his fantastic novel, Mao II

John said...

Damn, that is pretty bad.

Viking Andrew said...

Yeah. 96 people died. Horrific.

Viking Andrew said...

Also, I like the blue gloves the cop is wearing in this photo. So practical, and yet so dandyish.

LoCo said...

Laurie, you live above a pool of sporty Englishmen drinking all day Saturday? Don't waste the natural resources!

laurie said...

I would call them "grizzled" more than "sporty."