Sunday, March 22, 2009

Storms in Teacups

For how crude and obnoxious I often am, it's kind of weird that when it comes to perceived criticism, I'm more sensitive than an 8 month old greyhound's clitoris. One doesn't even have to argue with me--just wind me up, and I'll argue with myself. What can I say? I'm a prima donna. At the end of the day, though, I'd rather have a little storm in a teacup than a different teacup full of, say, a dog's uterus and ovaries. And I'd also rather have the temporary autonomous zone that is R3 than some sort of PC vagtocracy where bourgeois mystifications like "common sense" and "good taste" reign supreme. Freedom doesn't have to be gratuitous, it's true, but I sure fucking do.

RATING: Balls%

(Image from


laurie said...

Ok John. Let's move on. Everyone just move the fuck on. We all heart each other and R3 is great. Etc.

laurie said...

PS - I don't know what a lot of those words in your review mean. And I'm sure as hell not about to go google them all or click all the links. I have too much other shit to do right now.

John said...

Stop giving me a hard time, crank box. I'm having a moment here.

The T.A.Z. is a book by Hakim Bey. He's kind of a creepy child molester, but it's still a cool book. So's Alice in Wonderland, and Lewis Carroll was a diddler to the fucking nines.

laurie said...

Sorry, IJ, I just want to stop talking about everyone being all upset and shit. I dislike conflict and drama (unless I get to punch things).

I really struggle with the moral issues raised by artists who are also pedophiles. When I was back in the arts school, Egon Schiele was all the rage, but I just couldn't (and still can't) get his well documented pedophilia out of my mind. Same for Roman Polanski. Watching the Pianist really puts me in a moral quandary.

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

yo i cliked that link

John said...

And how did it make you feel?

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

some day therell be a cereal killer out were intenter jon lives nad hell be a suspect b/cwen police confistake his computer theyll find all these surgery pics on there

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

if you delet them now itll be tampering w/evidence too so you p. much fucke* in the ass*

LoCo said...

I hear they're doing great things over at LiveJournal nowadays.

laurie said...

It's not evidence tampering unless there is pending litigation or you have reason to believe there will be. If John deleted them as part of a routine cleansing of his computer's memory it would be ok.

laurie said...

PS - That comment was not intended to be legal advice. Merely a comment on the law.

Evan J Peterson said...

I love T.A.Z. For me, Hakim Bey and Allen Ginsberg are the ultimate exercise in separating biography (NAMBLA sympathizers, unfortunately) from bibliography. It's like finding out your favorite uncle cheats on your aunt.

John said...

I'm pretty sure my favorite uncle is Klan.

John said...

I guess I should rephrase that. He was my favorite uncle. Growing up, I was always impressed with his knowledge of WW2 and his willingness to look at both sides of every issue, but now I think it was all a bit fishy.