Monday, March 30, 2009

Death Proof

Speaking of misogyny, how about 100 minutes of a man relentlessly terrorizing women followed by 13 minutes of women getting revenge? When Quentin Tarantino made Death Proof as part of the Grindhouse double feature/box office bomb, he said he set out to make the definitive car chase. What he forgot to do was to make any kind of coherent or interesting movie to surround the car chase, his bad. I know, I know-- the movie is supposed to be paying tribute to awful movies, so it's awful on purpose, if that's a compliment. It's clear there's an auteur at work here, but I've seen it a bunch of times and all it ever does is make me really uncomfortable which would raise the question "why do I keep watching it" if I hadn't ended a bunch of recent reviews on questions.

RATING: 25% (that's full marks for the car chase, which takes up the last quarter of the movie.)


Timmaaay!!! said...

Zoe Bell effing rules. The majority of this film does not.

I agree almost completely with your review, only replace the word "uncomfortable" with "bored". The bar scene is the longest thing this side of the wedding sequence in The Deer Hunter. Except The Deer Hunter is, you know, good.

I'm usually quite the Tarantino apologist, but this is probably the closest thing to a film of his that I don't like much. However, I forgive Death Proof of its sins because of Kurt Russell, Zoe Bell, and the entire car chase sequence.

John said...

Kurt Russel does this old man face thing all throughout the bar scene before almost every line he delivers--it's sort of a gallumph, a combination of shrugging, smacking his lips and blowing his cheeks out, and it's totally fucking disgusting.

This movie is the exact opposite of Kill Bill 1 and 2. Why on earth would you watch it more than once?

John said...

Non-rhetorical question: why does it make you uncomfortable?

Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproductions (the band) said...

wat does retorical mean

Evan J Peterson said...

this film nauseates me, and I don't necessarily mean that as an insult though it may be taken as such. The gore plus the extremely long chase sequences combined to be just too damn much for me, and I've seen Salo. I have a relatively high tolerance.

I'm still pissed that I can't find the trio of fake trailers (excluding Machete) on either this DVD or on Planet Terror. Anyone know where they are?

Belabras said...

Machete was easily the best of them, but the rest can be seen here:

Where you can find them on DVD I'm afraid I don't know.

Evan J Peterson said...

Thanks, man.