Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sour Skittles

Sometimes when I'm spending a beautiful Spring Saturday writing a big ole paper about an esoteric court ruling on an esoteric part of the UCC* I decide that it's a good idea to eat some crap from a vending machine. This is almost always a mistake, and it's not until I'm halfway through a bag of Sour Skittles and find myself in a cold sweat with a sore stomach and that I realize exactly how bad an idea it was. I think I burned my tongue. Snacking fail. (Sadly I still ate the rest of the bag.)

Rating: 12%

*Note: My passion for the UCC is unmatched by many things. It's like, third on my list after rock music and cheeseburgers. This is more or less true. One of these days I will review it.


John said...

I don't do Skittles, and I don't respect you.

*snoot snoot*

laurie said...

Skittles are bad, m'kay.

LoCo said...

I just saw a bag of these at the Fiesta (near the ass cabin) and considered going for it. I will consider myself warned.

John said...

INTERNET JOHN [creepily]: Nice tag line.

Timmaaay!!! said...

Original and Tropical Skittles are a sometimes food for me. Sour Skittles are a never food, and should be for everyone.

laurie said...

Oh Timmaaay, if only you had told me that before yesterday. The really scary part is that I kind of wanted to buy them again today. But I didn't and bought Swedish Fish instead.

Timmaaay!!! said...

Swedish Fish are excellent, but I don't understand why they don't sell the multi-colored ones in boxes like they do the red ones. I like the red ones just fine, but they get old fast.

Now I want candy.

laurie said...'re telling me there are MULTI-COLORED Swedish Fish? Jesus Christ on the cross, why didn't anyone tell me?!

Timmaaay!!! said...

You have to buy them in bulk at a specialty candy store around here, and they're sort of expensive in bulk. They're quite tasty, though.