Sunday, June 1, 2008


Perhaps I just don't like giallo movies. I mean, Lucio Fulci's Zombi 2 is fun, and I love the title of Your Vice Is A Locked Room And Only I Have The Key, but I don't really like the movies of Dario Argento, the supposed king of Italian horror. None of them ever make sense, and this one is no different. Let me give you the plot. There is a creepy house, everything is shot in starkly beautiful contrasting primary colors, and people and cats get killed. At least a poet gets her head cut off, which you don't see that often, and it's cinematically stunning. Well, a few points for showing up at least.



Jacqui said...

Yeah. Dario Argento can be either be hit or miss. I mean...I liked Demons and want to see Demons 2, but some of his become more ridiculous than artsy. Those are usually the Amercanized versions, though. Actually, if you appreciate really bad cinema, you should check out the American version of Phenonmena (Creepers) starring Jennifer Connolly. It has a killer monkey in it. Oops. Spoilers.

Ivey Vines said...

I loved going to San Marco theatre in Jax for the weekend midnite movies because they would show Argento pretty regularly. Suspiria was a great one to heckle at with a bunch of other drunk nightwalkers such as myself.