Friday, June 27, 2008

Trying to Roast Almonds in the Goddamn Toaster Oven

It just doesn't work. At 5:00 they haven't even started to cook, and by 5:01 they're a charred, smoking mess. What kind of world do we live in, where a man can't get a handful of hot, delicious nuts whenever he feels like it? Someone should build some kind of nut-roasting appliance. I'll throw money at him or her.

RATING: Burnt nuts - 4%
Homoerotic double entendre - 5%

(Image from Yes, I'm immature.)


Anonymous said...

They do actually exist:

Maybe you can find one that works with our North American outlets?

laurie said...

Can't you just buy almonds already toasted?

John said...

Yeah, but they're way more expensive.