Saturday, June 21, 2008

Jurassic Park

When Jurassic Park came out everyone was really into the special effects in the movie. I really don't remember anything about that because I was entirely fascinated with the plot of the movie and possibly extracting DNA from mosquitos trapped in amber. Of course, 15 years later we don't have dinosaurs and the special effects in this film are still awesome. My loss, but I was a stupid kid then. So it was good I got to watch it all over again today, because it's an awesome film, and there's Jeff Goldblum.



laurie said...

I have a friend who is good friends with the (now adult) kid who played the little redhead boy in that movie and whenever I watch Jurassic park with my friend he shakes his head and laughs every damn time that kid comes on the screen. He's like "god, look at Joe! Ha!" It's really annoying, and I don't plan to watch that movie with him again anytime soon.

John said...

My favorite Jeff Goldblum line is from The Big Chill, when he says, "That's what's great about the outdoors, it's one giant toilet."