Monday, June 9, 2008

Kreuz Market BBQ

This is a bbq place in almost the middle of nowhere Texas at which you enter a big smoky room and tell them what meat you want, they pull it right out of the smoker, chop it up for you, and place it on butcher paper. Bon appetit! No utensils or sauce, pansies. Anyway, it was pretty delicious. I got brisket and sausage and they were both terrific, although a few minutes after eating close to a pound of pure meat I almost contemplated vegetarianism. I've never done this, but I want to post a second picture so you can maybe (my camera sucks) see what the meat did to my opaque butcher paper in the first picture.

Transparent! Ow, my heart and arteries.



Chris said...

Watch your mouth Glenn. Vegetarianism is no joke. In some countries it's considered punishment for a crime. Punchline.

John said...

Between the sugary breakfast cereals and all that meat, you must smell awesome when you sweat. Remind me not to loan you any money after your 35th birthday.

Review some vegetables before it's too late.

laurie said...

I'm starting to think all people in Texas do is eat greasy food all day. Or maybe that's just what Glenn does in Texas?