Monday, June 30, 2008

Soon I Will Be Invincible

Okay, so I finished this book (by Austin Grossman, no relation) this morning, and while I like it...the more and more that I think about it, the more and more I feel it is COMPLETELY INEXCUSABLE that the entire book did not focus on Doctor Impossible. The book contains two separate first-person narratives, one of Lex Luthor-esque supervillain Doctor Impossible, and another about a cyborg lady named Fatale.

Yeah, it's tough being a cyborg, but shut the fuck up about it.

Anyways, it's a good read for people who like comics, but doesn't pass the bar for good literary fiction. This book contains: some excellent sentences ("Welcome to my island, assholes."), simple uncomplicated prose, and an unfulfilled promise to turn all comic cliches on their ear.

RATING: 78% (This means that it is better than Saturday Night Live, but worse than The Meadowlands)

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