I'm fairly new to this whole "driving" thing, but I've quickly realized that cars come equipped with all sorts of useful devices, such as turn signals. When we are shuttling past one another in our aluminum bubbles, it's nice to be able to tell the drivers around you when you plan to do something that might affect their own course, such as turn, or change lanes. And OK, I get it, sometimes there are specific lanes for turning -- if I am in a left-hand turn lane one should be able to assume that yes, I plan to turn left. But I put the little signal on anyway. There are a lot of morons out there and I would like you to know that I, new driver, have not accidentally wandered into this lane unaware. But in Houston, there are often no right-turn lanes. And in such an absence, I would think that drivers would maybe take that opportunity to use their turn signals. When cars inch obnoxiously closer to me and try to nose into my lane without any sort of colorful light as indicator, I become truly baffled. The price of using one's signal is not $4.00-a-gallon-and-rising. The signal is free. It makes a clicky sound and gives your vehicle momentary flair. Until GM listens to my idea and installs a middle-finger-shaped brakelight on my car, the turn signal is unbeatable.
As I'm sure you could tell from my incessant cursing the whole way to Austin, I am a big fan of people using turn signals, too.
I think I finally figured out why people in Houston don't use turn signals, though, since every time I use one it signals the person in the lane next to me to speed up and not let me in.
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