Friday, July 18, 2008

Working Overtime

Working at all is bad enough, but sometimes when you work, you have to work overtime. I can't tell you exactly what I'm working on (and trust me, you wouldn't care anyways), but suffice to say that it's more than a little boring, and it appears that a great deal of my work is for nothing. Don't get me wrong, I love my paycheck. And I can totally get behind working overtime if you're compensated for it (hint: I'm not), or it indicates you're doing a good job (hint: nobody cares). But it also leaves you absolutely no time to write reviews/write non-fiction books with Glenn/play Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne...which is totally unacceptable.

RATING: 17% (which means that it is better than dry heaves, but worse than a fake non-fiction book about a zombie war)

(image courtesy of


Anonymous said...

If you think overtime sucks now, wait until you've worked a few years, did lots of un-compensated overtime, and then get fired for no fucken reason -- now that really blows. So FUCK overtime, it won't help you.

DCP said...

Right now I have a bad habit of working undertime.

laurie said...

Hey I like Meet the Press...