Tuesday, July 8, 2008


While I haven't seen every movie ever made, I'm still fairly certain this is the most delightful movie ever made. EVER. I suspect I am a better person only by virtue of having seen it. And holy jesus the fucking animation is amazing. Wall-EEEE!

Rating: 99%


DCP said...

I was going to review this, and give it a pretty high review, too. It was tres good. Also, loco brought up the paradox that will be all the kids leaving the theater to go buy Wall*E toys, fruit snacks, clothes, etc. Oh, consumerism!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or does Wall-E remind anyone else of Johnny-5? Physically, I mean. Or maybe I am prejudiced against cute movie robots--they all look alike, you know.

LoCo said...

Oh his cute little expressive robot eyes! I love Wall-E.

laurie said...

Johnny 5 is a gaywad. Wall-EEEE!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I loved this. I went to see it alone (my fav thing to do) and feel in love. It haunted me for a solid day afterward, and I even bought the soundtrack. Life is pretty beautiful when you're walking around hearing Louis Armstrong sing "La Vie En Rose".

Anonymous said...

Did you know that your brother Mike refuses to see this film because Wall-E looks too much like Johnny 5? True story.

Also, I agree wholeheartedly with your review.

laurie said...

Who is this Tim who seems to know Mike?

DCP said...

That's Tim, my bro-in-law.

I will have to call Mike up and tell him he should see it anyway. That guy watches everything! You know a movie that has a robot in it that looks substantially like Johnny 5 he should avoid? Short Circuit 2. What a crap fest! They couldn't even get Steve Guttenberg back? Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

Short Circuit 2 is superior in pretty much every way to Short Circuit 1. No Ally Sheedy (except for 30 seconds or so of her voice) + No Steve Guttenberg + Lots of Fisher Stevens = YAY!!!

I love the scene where Ben's girlfriend finds him locked in the Chinese restaurant's freezer because he gave her directions using oldies songs. Let's not forget the scene where the thugs beat the "living shit" out of J5 and he has to soup himself up at the Radio Shack.

The only thing that's odd about it is that Ben's going on and on about becoming a US citizen, but a) according to Short Circuit 1, he already is, and b) Short Circuit 2 is obviously filmed in Toronto. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Are you high? No Ally Sheedy or Steven Guttenberg is one of the many reasons that movie sucked. The ridiculous plot of course drove the final nail. It's pretty much universally accepted that Short Circuit 2 was a huge flop.