Monday, July 14, 2008


When I was a kid I really didn't like the fruit flavored taste of Pop-Tarts, and I especially hated them warm. So then I discovered the tempting chocolate and vanilla flavored Pop-Tarts, but I grew up, got disgusted of chocolate flavored breakfast food and discovered The Simpsons Wild Strawberry Pop-Tarts. I ate those for at least a year during college (I really liked the sprinkles). Now they've created disgusting flavors like Chocolate Chip, S'mores, Raspberry, French Toast and Mint Chocolate Chip. So would I, or do I, still buy Pop-Tarts? As Glenn intelligently remarked, only if they're on sale. On a side note, I'm using the term "flavor" very loosely in this review.



Chris said...

I almost forgot. Does anyone remember the lawsuits back in the early 90's about Pop-Tarts ability to create foot high flames? If not, check this out:

DCP said...

Well that makes pop tarts a little bit cooler to me.

Anonymous said...

My favorite pop-tart flavor was apple-cinnamon but I think Kellogg stopped making them as I haven't seen them in any store for about five years. I'm not tempted by any of the new crop of flavors.

laurie said...

Everyone knows that the best Pop Tart flavor is brown sugar cinnamon. Duh.

Anonymous said...

Hey...! I love the sprinkles too!