Monday, July 28, 2008


Chips are a kind of thing that are small and thin, and can be any number of flavors, from potato to banana to paint (you shouldn't eat the last kind). Then there can even be additional spices put on the preliminary flavor of chip, so its like a Chipotle Lime Banana Chip, or maybe a Raspberry Tequila Veggie Wrap Potato Chip, or even a Mountain Dew Chip. One bad thing about chips is sometimes when I get a bag I'll eat like half of them, and then when I look at the label it will say "34 servings per bag, around 3 chips per serving." Well fuck you chip makers. I'm just kidding, please keep making chips. Also chocolate chips are pretty good, and the first friend I made in America was named Chip, and Chipwiches are also pretty good if I do recall my Bible.



John said...

What the balls is a chipwich?

DCP said...

It's like an ice cream sandwich with chocolate chip cookies as the bread.

John said...

I was picturing 2 pieces of bread with potato chips between them, and I was like, "You should totally serve that with rice and french fries."

DCP said...

Loco can tell you all about some British concoction she ate once that was literally a french fry sandwich covered in butter.

Evan J Peterson said...

Don't forget the big chip on every one-armed kid's intact shoulder.

laurie said...

Wtf? They don't have Chipwiches in Canada? That's fucking tragic.

John said...

They very well could have them here. I don't eat a lot of junk food for how goddamn fat I am.