Monday, July 14, 2008

Dry Heaves

Maybe you ate the wrong food, got too drunk, or just got a virus, but you all know how much dry heaves suck. Just when you've finished emptying your stomach's contents with acid, you keep on heaving, but nothing comes out. Then, your head and whole body start throbbing. It's probably one of the worst feelings ever (okay, it's relative). In those dire few moments sometimes I think it might not ever end, and that my head might explode from all the blood rushing to it. Obviously, that hasn't happened yet. Yet.



Chris said...

Sorry Glenn. I couldn't find any pictures for "dry heaves". I need to stop commenting on my own posts. It's starting to looking desperate.

DCP said...

That's fine. I didn't copyright bad MSPaint drawings. I am happy to see my bad cross section of a person make a comeback,

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can do a science experiment and practice till it does. Just a thought...