Sunday, July 13, 2008


I saw this the first time when I was in high school, and I loved it because it had a depressing ending and I was a depressed high school student, and also it was critical of the government I think? Anyway, I always since then thought it was good, but I got it from Netflix the other day and it actually turns out that it is incomprehensible and terrible, so heads up guys and dolls. The plot is that "sometime in the twentieth century" the government is fascist because there's terrorists I think, and also there's a lot of bureaucracy that muddies things up, and then this guy has dreams and tries to live outside the box by going on an unnecessary car chase and killing lots of police. Then he gets caught the end and you're supposed to feel bad for him. One of the main problems is that the movie is trying to be insightful about something, but it never really figures out what that something is, and also it's much worse than 1984, but I'll give Terry Gilliam a pass for all the pretty designs.



Anonymous said...

I don't feel bad for him at the end. When he's lobotomized, he's freed from the fucked up world, isn't he?

"Incomprehensible"? Glenn, your favorite film is 2001, for chrissakes.

I actually don't blame you for looking negatively on it now, but I think "incomprehensible and terrible" is kind of overdoing it. Brazil is a neat film- like you said, cool designs by Gilliam- but it is definitely disjointed and strange. I mostly appreciate it for the way he went about getting HIS version of the film released. He beat the studio system.

All I can say is if you didn't like the film, that's certainly understandable, but definitely stay away from the 90 minute "love conquers all" cut that Universal Studios made when they didn't like Gilliam's version.

laurie said...

I have never seen Brazil, but did anyone else catch the 2001 reference in Wall-E. Sigh. Wall-E is so great.

Anonymous said...

That's one of many reasons I loved Wall-E. There were quite a few 2001-inspired moments.

DCP said...

Well, I gave it pretty high points for being so-called incomprehensible and terrible, so I must admit that a lot of my reviews are kind of exaggerated. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for it, which is why I'm de-randomizing my Netflix queue.