Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Advertising Optimism

The only thing dumber than optimism is advertising optimism. Optimism blinds people to reality and prevents them from planning for a better future. I can fucking see the up side of things all day, but thinking an earthquake won't hit Los Angeles won't motivate me to find ways to prevent it from sinking into the damn ocean when it happens. And letting your kid think they don't suck at baseball when they actually suck big time isn't going to get them a baseball scholarship. I swear I think this advertisement was put on television by those people who think we shouldn't grade kids papers with red ink because it will hurt their self esteem. I hate those people!

Rating: 15%


DCP said...

I saw one of these at the movies last night. It was the special olympics, and somebody fell on his face and then everybody joined hands and raced to the end. I wasn't sure if I should be offended, but then again, I wasn't offended when I saw The Ringer starring Johnny Knoxville.

Chris said...

When I was a kid my parents told me that I shouldn't play sports because I would just be awful at them, and that I'd be much better doing something academic. Little did they know that intelligence wouldn't work out for me either.

laurie said...

I saw that special olympics one in front of Wall-E (Wall-E!) tonight and I'm not really sure what the hell it was supposed to mean, but it was really sweet the way those special olympics kids were helping out that other kid. But not as sweet as Wall-E and Eve. And I still think optimism is fucking stupid.

LoCo said...

You know things have really gone down the shitter in this country when you have to buy airtime to remind people of optimism.