Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Not unlike a lot of great marvels from the past, we later find out that some of this great stuff can really mess you up later. People have been using asbestos products for a long long time too. They are really great flame retardants and probably protected some people from dying. Of course, they're probably responsible for a lot more deaths. The good thing is that the only way to develop any kind of complications is from prolonged exposure to the fibers. Of course, if you were a Roman slave a long time ago you were screwed because your clothes were made of asbestos.



LoCo said...

When I was little, all the public schools had to open late because of asbestos. We didn't have school until like the end of September! Best weeks EVER.

laurie said...

Did you know they are still litigating a massive clusterfuck of lawsuits over asbestos? Yeah, anytime anyone in the courthouse says asbestos everyone groans because its a real bitch.

LoCo said...

Oh wows. I didn't know that. The school-cancelled thing was like 17 years ago, dang!