Thursday, July 31, 2008

Not reviewing for a long time

It's been a long time since I've reviewed anything. Well, taking a break from reviewing is fun because I feel like the picture to the right. But at the same time my brain is slowly and surely dying. That seems less fun than riding a tandem bike.

Rating: Sebastian%


Chris said...

Is that guy holding the umbrella also holding an ice cream cone? If so, maybe I should take a break from reviewing too.

Loren said...

that is totally an ice cream cone. let's not review for awhile and i'll steer if you hold an umbrella over me. oh wait, i've already taken my break and done that. glenn can steer and you can hold the umbrella

Chris said...

Couldn't we get a get a 3-person bike and all take a break? I'd hold the umbrella as long as I got the ice cream.