Short reviews of pretty much whatever. Finally, you can discover if Frosted Flakes Gold has more social worth than Illmatic or Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Waking Up Before 10am
Everybody knows this isn't a fun thing to do. Personally, I would like to have a job where I didn't have to wake up before 10am, and also maybe at this job they would give me free sandwiches. The worst part is waking up less than 10 minutes before your alarm though, so don't try to do that is my recommendation.
Yeah, I drew it. I'm tired of looking for ridiculous photos to match abstract concepts. Also, John makes me feel guilty by always citing where he got his pictures, and I am a lazy asshole.
You should feel guilty. You wouldn't stop a car, drag its elderly female owner out into the street, beat her to death with her own handbag, and then drive her car to a bank that you subsequently rob, would you? Well, stealing is stealing, man. Do the Right Thing.
You poor thing. Did you draw that picture?
(1) That picture is great.
(2) Getting up before 10am is fine, once you've been doing it for, I dunno, 3 or 4 years in a row.
Did you draw that in Paint?
Yeah, I drew it. I'm tired of looking for ridiculous photos to match abstract concepts. Also, John makes me feel guilty by always citing where he got his pictures, and I am a lazy asshole.
That's pretty good for just using a mouse.
If you think that's good, just wait until you see what's coming to a journal near you in November 2008.
You should feel guilty. You wouldn't stop a car, drag its elderly female owner out into the street, beat her to death with her own handbag, and then drive her car to a bank that you subsequently rob, would you? Well, stealing is stealing, man. Do the Right Thing.
November 2008? Boooooo.
But John, you're probably just posting a link to some other asshole who stole the picture first's site. Also, that old lady was asking for it.
Watch your mouth about I'll fight you, and this time I'll duck when you throw your glasses at my nose.
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