The buzz is not a fun one. For me, it was characterized by extreme "out of body" disorientation, a loss of motor control, a sense of dismemberment (the top half of me got up and fell off the couch, while my legs remained sitting down), auditory hallucinations (voices said, "Should we take him with us?"), and a strong and pervasive sense of fear and malevolent weirdness. Also, everything kept rolling to the left, and my horizontal and vertical axes were all messed up. When I came down, after a period of approximately 10 minutes, I was disturbed and agitated for another half-hour or so.
I think some psychedelics, if used responsibly in a therapeutic or spiritually-oriented manner, can be quite beneficial to some people. Salvia, on the other hand, is like a Filipino drag queen knife fight in your head. I don't expect to ever try it again.
(Image from
I'm pretty sure I would rather be hit by a bus than experience this.
I don't believe there are any harmless drugs. Every drug has a price, health-wise. Even Tylenol. But people should be able to make those decisions for themselves, with the benefit of education. Putting a bunch of poor (black, hispanic) people in jail for victimless crimes doesn't do anyone any good.
I'm against decriminalization because the government's job isn't to protect us from ourselves. I think I'm going with John on this one. Education.
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