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Monday, June 30, 2008
Airships (Blimps and Zeppelins)
I'm of the opinion that this technology should be given a second chance. When taken to steampunk extremes, I think they can be pretty awesome and enormous. And once in a while, they blow up pretty spectacularly. Impractical? Sure...but they are definitely majestic and inflatable, and that's gotta be worth something.
Well, there are other, less flammable gases to use. In fact, some may say it was kind of a wonky idea to use the most flammable gas there is for zeppelins, but what do I know about big blimps?
Well, there are other, less flammable gases to use. In fact, some may say it was kind of a wonky idea to use the most flammable gas there is for zeppelins, but what do I know about big blimps?
You know enough, Glenn. You know enough.
They look really awesome. That's enough reason to bring them back (zeppelins).
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