Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mollejas (Sweetbreads)

I like me some offal, and sweetbreads have got to be my favorite organ meat. They've got a wonderfully silky texture and a fairly mild flavor. An insider told me to visit Taqueria Tacambaro (behind Canino's Farmer's Market on Airline) after I complained it was difficult to find sweetbreads in town. This taco truck serves the sweetbreads on two corn tortillas topped with onions, cilantro, avocado, and a dark, almost chocolaty looking (cascabel peppers?), salsa. The sweetbreads were lightly cooked on the grill, a few bits had just a tinge of crispiness on the edges creating a wonderful blend of textures. Sorry the picture blows, I need a new camera better than my phone.



DCP said...

Look, I would totally be down for that, but why can't there be delicious restaurants in the med center/southwest loop part of town? I can't drive out to airline every time I want a pancreas taco.

Chris said...

I can get you there in 10 minutes.

laurie said...

Sorry to be unenlightened, but that's gross.

LoCo said...

Holy ish. If that meat machine on 30 Rock was real, Chris would buy it.

Chris said...

If you're going to kill it, might as well eat it all.