Guitar Hero is the second-most postmodern video game in history (behind Second Life, which is so postmodern, it's not actually a game and isn't fun). It is not for people who actually like to play guitar, rather it is for people who want to either (a) act like they play the guitar or (b) want to play the guitar but don't have the talent, patience, or both to actually do it. Note: if you have played Guitar Hero enough (I'd say close to 150-200 hours) in your life, you have officially defeated the purpose of Guitar Hero, because if you would've put that much effort into learning how to play the guitar, you could do it (a little) for real. In closing, Guitar Hero is lots of fun, especially if you don't like actually being creative and love Visine. Seriously though, stare at this game for too long and your eyes explode and brain catches fire.
RATING: 64% (This means that it is better than
the hunt for Osama Bin Laden, but worse than
(image courtesy of
Great review. I used to play this at work for 10 minutes a day, but it dried my eyes out too much and I figured I could have been spending this on really learning to play the guitar better, or actually working.
Thanks, man. And as for working during work, I feel that there's no good reason to do that.
One problem I have with Guitar Hero is when I can't play a song on it that I really can play on the real guitar in real life. Then I get frustrated and go Pete Townsend on my guitar controller.
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