Short reviews of pretty much whatever. Finally, you can discover if Frosted Flakes Gold has more social worth than Illmatic or Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Rosemary's Baby
I don't care what Polanski says, I knew the bitch was hysterical the moment she got her hair cut short without asking her husband first.
He really is. IJ is quickly working his way up my list of people I'd like to punch in the face. Pretty soon he'll pass right by Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, and Michele Bachmann and be first in line.
I always thought the last scene was a bit hokey, but the rest of the movie was reasonably creepy.
I like the part in the last scene where the old woman says, "Aw, shut up with your 'O God's' or we'll kill ya, milk or no milk."
I also imagine the resounding cries of "Hail Satan" were a lot more risqué in 1968.
This really is not a girl friendly place.
It's ironic, toots.
i. jon is the ultimate massagynsit i hear he knocks girls up all over town w/ super sperm
He really is. IJ is quickly working his way up my list of people I'd like to punch in the face. Pretty soon he'll pass right by Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, and Michele Bachmann and be first in line.
So you can fight?
how come you have like five diff. profile pics i. jon
Did you hear about this
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