Short reviews of pretty much whatever. Finally, you can discover if Frosted Flakes Gold has more social worth than Illmatic or Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
short but sweet i give this review 3/5 stars (69% lol)
My iron eye is actually made of Formica.
I give your review of this review 1/5 stars (15%)
hey cool we have a bunch of new white noise posters on the site i cant wait until the timer on the drama bomb reaches zero
I can sense your sincere concern.
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short but sweet i give this review 3/5 stars (69% lol)
My iron eye is actually made of Formica.
I give your review of this review 1/5 stars (15%)
hey cool we have a bunch of new white noise posters on the site i cant wait until the timer on the drama bomb reaches zero
I can sense your sincere concern.
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