What To Expect When You're Expecting is a guide for women with a bun in the oven. The format of the book is simple and sensible. It informs the reader month by month how their
swelling body will continue to change, how a baby develops (it has fingernails by the third month!), and answers “real” womens' questions about pregnancy. The advice is not
preachy or judgmental and puts (most of) your nerves at ease. So, if you are worried that trying to have a bowel movement at
Wal Mart may lead to a baby in the toilet, or if you want to know if you can do cocaine off a transexual stripper's ass during your pregnancy, this
book is for you.
Cn I get pragnint form a horse?
Oh, dear. Old college rivalries rear their head.
Amherst is probably the teen pregnancy, intravenous drug use and unemployment capital of mainland Eastern Canada. If there's any post-secondary education occurring there, it's in halfway houses and court-ordered parenting classes.
Just 'coz it's got a British name don't make it fancy where we're from, buds.
There's something kinda "Manson Family" about that barbie, eh?
Oh, never mind. Me being all American and whatnot thought Amherst referred to the college in Taxachusetts.
In our peculiar Canadian dialect, we call them "uni-versities."
Not a horse, honey. Llama, YES!
Also, do Barbie's boobs look any bigger to you? Does her pelvic bone look like it is separating? How unrealistic of Mattel. I'm writing a letter.
@VA- Are Amherst girls notorious for being inbred and easy?
I've been saying Mattel should make Barbie's tits bigger for years, but no one listens to me.
Couldn't say. I try not to cross the Mason-Dixon line. But Amherst is a really good school, and I thought maybe loco had some beef with the girlies over there or some such.
That Barbie is freaking me out.
All the guys at Amherst are white, hence why I never made a trip over there. Oh wait I did. To sing a capella. I'm white!
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