Friday, April 23, 2010


Meddle is a Pink Floyd album from 1971. Much like Obscured by Clouds, it's not one of Pink Floyd's more popular albums. Other than the opening track, "One of These Days," Meddle is a pretty mellow album. The closing track, "Echoes" (which may or may not sync up with the trippy space freak-out part of 2001: A Space Odyssey), is twenty-three minutes long and, on the vinyl version, takes up the album's entire B side. Also notable on the album is the song "Seamus," which features a howling dog.

Rating: 71%

(Image from Wikipedia)


Belabras said...

Seamus was actually used in the soundtrack for Rosencranst and Guildenstern and Dead.

It's a good album, but obviously more experimental (and not as good) as some of their others.

Quammy said...

It's always been a personal favorite of mine. It was the first Pink Floyd album I got once I, thankfully, got past listening to The Wall.

Internet John said...

Don't know who I liked better in that one, Rosencranst or Dead.

Belabras said...

Dead was always my favorite.

Internet John said...

(I imagine I'd come off as less of an asshole if I could get over my homophobic aversion to emoticons.)