Selection Lager is a socialist triumph. It's financed by New Brunswick taxpayers and is partially exempt from our "socially responsible" pricing laws that force other beer companies to sell their beer at a certain price in order to ensure that only fancy people with jobs can afford to be alcoholics. I probably won't get it again, not because I'm appalled by my government's decision to compete with its own people at an unfair advantage funded directly by my tax dollars, but because it tastes like the urine of a well hydrated anorexic person.
(Image from
Socialized healthcare, but no beer for the poor?
What's the point?
vote librarian
The point is that no one in NB seems to know a thing about economics. The NB liquor commission is losing millions of dollars in beer sales every year to Quebec and Maine because it's cheaper for people to drive a few hours and buy their beer there. So instead of lowering the artificially imposed floor price on beer, letting breweries make more money and giving people cheaper beer, the government uses public money to release an inferior product and sends the message that crown corporations don't have to play by the same rules as everyone else.
Yeah, that was a sorry attempt at sarcasm on my part.
But John, you should know by now I would despise that kind of liberal economic thought.
$18.67 for 12 beers? Give me a fucking break.
Since when is it the government's responsibility to regulate drinking habits?
I'm going to stop before I start...
Since the government started footing people's medical bills. But after dealing with American doctors and insurance companies for a year, I'll take socialized medicine any day.
I would too as long as my beers didn't cost $20 for a 12-pack. And that's exactly why socialized healthcare won't fly in America. Americans think they're entitled to have it both ways.
Of course, I don't think I'm entitled to have it both ways, just one will work for me. The one that says I gotta pay to play.
And I'm sure I'd love socialized healthcare until I needed a kidney. That's not a knock against socialization, it's just a problem that needs to be solved before I buy in.
I love my $6 shiners. Fuck socialism. I dont
need a kidney anyways
i drink turpentine how does htis effect me
It makes you smrter and funner.
Socialized beer! I would like socialized cola with ginseng added please.
o i meant how does socialized beer effect me but u misundderstood english
come back to america i. jon!!!
i hear canada has the lowest standard of living in europe!
We're a hybrid, really. We combine the American long work week and short vacation with European high taxes, unemployment and welfare scams.
$20 for a six pack? Jesus christ, I thought the $12 six packs at NYC bodegas were ridiculous.
$20 for a case. A 6 pack costs about $12.
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