Short reviews of pretty much whatever. Finally, you can discover if Frosted Flakes Gold has more social worth than Illmatic or Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
Monday, June 29, 2009
A Month of Boring Things - Day Thirteen: This Sweater from J. Crew
You want $225? Hmmm. Maybe I'll walk over to GAP and buy it for...oh, wait. You own them, too?
I (can't afford to) wouldn't pay $225 for it, but I want that cardigan. Because, like Mr. Rodgers, I love cardigans. I even bring one to work every day and change out of my suit jacket and into my cardigan once I'm out of court (also like Mr. R). Because I am just. that. cool.
I (can't afford to) wouldn't pay $225 for it, but I want that cardigan. Because, like Mr. Rodgers, I love cardigans. I even bring one to work every day and change out of my suit jacket and into my cardigan once I'm out of court (also like Mr. R). Because I am just. that. cool.
Dallasites are so fucking preppy.
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