Short reviews of pretty much whatever. Finally, you can discover if Frosted Flakes Gold has more social worth than Illmatic or Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
A Month of Boring Things - Day Seven: Miniature Golf like real golf, only with screaming children and AstroTurf.
Can't spell "banality" without "anal."
Week of unboring things: Chris and Viking Andrew's birthdays!
How old?
26, I.J. I believe Chris turns 27.
One year Viking Andrew and I should throw a sick birthday party.
Why at 28?
It's the sickest birthday of them all.
Fuck me.
Did Chris just proposition the whole internet?
Yeah, because I can't gain control of my English grammar skillz.
@ Chris
I'm not sexually attracted to you, but I'd totally fuck you in jail.
It's Chris's birthday.
Sing to him.
happy b-day dude
Happpy birthday to Chris...
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