Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pierson & Co.

So every now and then my job has its benefits, especially since it usually involves eating good food. Well, I finally went to check out this BBQ place in Houston with a co-worker after hearing repeated acclamations that it's "the best Q in Houston". Pierson and Co. recently won a blind taste test by some local "foodie" group (I hate that term) as the best brisket in Houston. Well, they're wrong (who needs all those dumbass "foodies" with their opinions anyway?). I got to try a sampler the pit boss gave us which consisted of turkey, ham, pork ribs, pork shoulder (butt), brisket, chicken and sausage. While the brisket has a nice smoke ring the pork shoulder was the piece that really stood out. It was so perfectly moist and tender for a cut that usually gets smoked so dry it becomes inedible. I got a chance to meet the pit boss Clarence and a chance to see the smoker. The guy has got some fantastic stuff, so if you're visiting the Acres Home area soon (and you probably won't), check it out. I just wrote this for myself.



Chris said...

That looks so good. I hope your doctor doesn't read this blog!

DCP said...

Where's Acres Home? I'll drive 20 minutes for good bbq.

Chris said...

It's in the same area as Burns. Oh you're going. We gotta get a group together. I think Kent seemed interested the other night.

Anonymous said...

Goddamn I miss bbq. Keep those reviews coming, though.

laurie said...

Are there non-bbq restaurants in Houston?

Chris said...

Yeah, they're called Mexican food restaurants.

laurie said...

Texas sounds like a very strange place.

Anonymous said...

Texas sounds like heaven, especially after getting back from Chicago