Thursday, August 7, 2008


Sometimes you can perhaps go in a building, which can be a good thing if it is way hot outside, and sometimes a cop or a pretend cop can say "Hey, don't go in here you're not authorized!" Most of us live in buildings, and some of us might live in a cool city with lots of tall buildings. Sometimes maybe a building burns or falls down, to which I say "Yo, building, shape up or ship out! Your job is to stay standing and hold people!" Mainly though tall buildings are cool to look at and admire even if everybody knows you're a tourist and says "Fuck you buddy, this is NewYork," but they say it in one of those movie accents.



John said...

You rich Americans and your big, fancy buildings. In Canada, all our buildings are made of snow. Have you ever tried peeing in a snow toilet? It's horrible.

John said...

P.S. You nailed the vocative on "Yo, building," but you missed it on "Fuck you [,] buddy." You know I wrote that post for you.

Chris said...

Well from what I understand it's not like most people living in New York now are from New York. So you can tell those Europeans to fuck off.

Chris said...

...and people originally from Connecticut (see chick from West Alabama Ice House last weekend).

DCP said...

Hey, I already told you I use commas on this blog for rhythmic/comedic effect buddy.

John said...

That's so subversive. We're more avant garde than Fence magazine here at R3.

Anonymous said...

movie accents