Monday, August 11, 2008

The Olympics

When I say the "Olympics" I'm actually referring to the "Summer Olympics", and that's because it's the original Olympics, buddy. People just felt bad for those people who live in the yonder reaches of the Earth and decided that they have egos too, so they created ridiculous things like skiing and um, curling. Yay! Well, I'll be honest and admit I've come to love hockey, but that's not enough to redeem that abomination of an event they call the "Winter Olympics". It's not like the IOC really cares where those are held. Either way it's a fun time where I get addicted to watching sports for 2 weeks and cheer on my country. Plus, I get really emotional during this time period, which is either normal or some kind of repressed childhood desire for athletic competition I'm not dealing with.

RATING: 90% (if summer only) 73% (if including winter)


DCP said...

The only thing I like about the Olympics is Olympic hockey, and Canada won gold in 2002 so what else do I have to look forward to? In conclusion the Olympics are hella boring to me.

Anonymous said...

I just watched the high diving competition last night with one of my hostel mates. The two US divers looked scared to death of heights. That doesn't seem to work if you're a high diver. Maybe that's why they only won 6th place.

John said...

Canada sure did win gold in 2002. Against the Americans, no less. I was in a bar in Brno the night we played the Czechs, and all my treacherous American and Australian friends were cheering for the Czechs, and we scored a really dirty goal and I had to buy apology drinks for, like, 20 skinheads.

Chris said...

The Canadians should win hockey. The Americans should have won basketball in 2004. Boy, that was embarrassing.

Evan J Peterson said...

I love this Olympics. It's like the John Waters version of international athletic competitions. Digitally inserted fireworks? Lip-synching nine year olds? Racist pics of the Spanish basketball team? Who even needs to watch the games anymore?

Plus lots of abs. Hooray for that.

Chris said...

Hell yeah! America blew Greece away! Team USA is back to kicking everyone's ass in basketball.