Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Daytime TV

I'm probably being a bit unfair since I don't have cable and almost every local channel has been broadcasting the news for the past 24 hours (and it's only 10:30), but today's TV lineup is already getting to me. First, I got to catch some guy named Steve Wilkos yell at a bunch of trashy people about bad parenting and setting better examples for their kids (a bit ironic if you've seen the show). Jerry Springer has gone so far to the absurd it's not even funny or entertaining anymore. I've seen commercials about how I can get a loan fast, telephone service on the cheap, and that I'm such a loser for not going back to school. Are there any good game shows on during the day?



Evan J Peterson said...

This Steve Wilkos asstard was on the other day, and though I didn't waste much time on him, but I swear he said that people who don't ask their sex partners about HIV status deserve to be infected.

I hope he gets MRSA on his penis.

LoCo said...

The Price is Right, Chris! That's the most excitement you can find midday, even on cable.

Chris said...

Yeah, Steve Wilkos is definitely a douche. I hope he is one of our 10 readers and sees this too. Except he seems like the type who would hunt someone down and murder them.