Friday, August 29, 2008

Anonymous Comments

I don't understand people who post anonymous comments. They always seem to be either know-it-alls or outraged moral crusaders who are so earnest and serious yet totally unwilling to use their real names. Why hide one's identity if one is sure of the verity of one's claims and the integrity of one's arguments? The least these people could do is make me laugh by posting comments under a funny pseudonym, like Nyarlahotep, Jack Chuck, Schoolgrrl14 or John Stamos.

If I want to tell Glenn he's a philistine, I'll sign my name to it, and I'd expect nothing less from him (if he were a hostile jerk like me, that is). But if I were going to leave anonymous comments, I'd post dirty jokes, not shrewish polemic. People who are that querulous and self-righteous should start a blog.

RATING: 13%, or 7% for wieners who actually read Fence magazine.

(This image is actually my high school yearbook photo. I've put on weight since then.)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't know what you're talking about...

Anonymous said...

i happened to find this randomly because it was on something like the 12th page of google after i searched "anonymous" so here's the deal, sparky: anonymous has more than enough literary merit and its editor has enough artistic sensibilities to be able to ignore and even quash your so-called "review," but i have to leave you a tip. if you want to "review" something, especially the SPAN of an ENTIRE ANONYMOUS, you'd better come up with something a little better than "every inside looks like somebody barfed a punch of pencils." it's certainly easy enough to tell that your talents will never make it into the pages of anonymous, so i wouldn't worry about offending anyone with your word vomit. maybe you should go take a class, brush up on some grammar skills, and write something again when you have something worthwhile to say.

Anonymous said...

Hahha, quash.

Anonymous said...

Nice try, but it's not a Mad Lib dumbass.

Anonymous said...

John, are we ever going to talk about last night?