Monday, August 15, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

When I say that Rise of the Planet of the Apes is one of the best genre films of the year so far, I'm not monkeying around. The quality of the visual effects and motion capture performances will make you go bananas. You'll forget all about that horrible Tim Burton Planet of the Apes film from ten years ago, like... like... like so much thrown feces. Seriously though, Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a pretty solid flick. What it lacks in Heston, it makes up for in Lithgow.

Rating: 77%

(Image from


Fishers Mini Storage said...

i finally got the tickets, im going to see the movie tomorrow..

Ryan said...

I'm such a traditionalist when it comes to Planet of the Apes. Really resisted the idea that this movie could be good. Now you got me curious. I'm always into ape onto police violence.

Quammy said...

I thought the movie was good. It isn't as action packed as the trailers make it seem, but it does have that "humans suck" quality that the X-Men movies had.

Fishers Self Storage said...

Excellent entertainment all round!