Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Commodore 1541

Hey, remember floppy disks? No, not the 3.5" ones that you used to trade copies of Wolfenstein 3D back in the day. I'm talking about the old 5.25" bad boys. I recently came across an old Commodore 1541 floppy disk drive, which at one time was quite the piece of gear, capable of handling single sided 5.25" floppy disks with a storage capacity of 170 kilobytes. According to the faded price tag on the box (it was bought at Zellers), the unit originally cost $341.99. Just think about that next time you're shopping for an external terabyte hard drive.

Rating: Obsolete%

(Image from


DCP said...

In 25 years somebody will be sifting through the wreckage of the 2010 internet and find this blog post, and then post a Google Brand MindLink about the expression of awe over an external terabyte hard drive.

Quammy said...

I want to see someone make a movie set back in the 80s where they used those old school computers. Watching a tense/dramatic hacker scene pre-Windows 3.1 would be hilarious.