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Thursday, March 4, 2010
The New Gorillaz Video Featuring Bruce Willis
As I mentioned before, I'll watch just about anything that features Bruce Willis packing heat. So I was pretty stoked to find out that he's in the video for the new Gorillaz track "Stylo." I don't really understand what the clip is about, but it has Bruce Willis, guns, and muscle cars in it. The song's not bad either.
My 2 Gorillaz CD's were stolen by a white kid with dreadlocks who has since cut his hair and started wearing a keffiyeh. Whenever I make the general statement that all McBuddhists should be fucked in jail, I'm thinking of him in particular.
I liked their old animation style better, but it's still pretty cool.
how much did it cost to buy this webside quammy
I like the old style better too, but I think the CGI version works in the video. It kinda makes them look even creepier than they usually do.
@The Hulkster
'A buck and a broken smoke.' As an old friend would say.
If it wasn't for the great talent of Brice Willis this would be just stupid.
My 2 Gorillaz CD's were stolen by a white kid with dreadlocks who has since cut his hair and started wearing a keffiyeh. Whenever I make the general statement that all McBuddhists should be fucked in jail, I'm thinking of him in particular.
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