Thursday, August 20, 2009

Marlboro Snus

Snus is a little teabag-shaped, tobacco-filled object that goes between your upper lip and gums in order to give you oral cancer along with the lung cancer you're already going to get because you can't stop smoking cigarettes. It's a must-have for men who want to not be able to breathe through a toothless mouth in 10-50 years. Unlike Swedish snus, which exudes the manly flavours of smoked fish and pain, Marlboro snus is cloyingly sweet, offering testimony to the perpetual adolescence of American taste.

RATING: An unsurprisingly addictive 20%

(Image from


Viking Andrew said...

I used Marlboro Snus during my GRE-Subject test last year. I give it props for allowing me to score something akin to mediocre without nic-ing and flipping out on the obese 8th grade teacher proctoring the exam.

John said...

You should try the Swedish stuff. It's actually good enough to put in your mouth without an excuse.

I've been doing some research, and apparently snus is significantly less bad for one's health than cigarettes, chewing tobacco or dip. It's associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer, but less so than anything else with nicotine in it.

Viking Andrew said...

Yeah, but you can't spit it like you can dip.

John said...

You can spit, you just don't puke if you don't.

Chris said...

I've got to say that General White Portion Wintergreen Snus is fantastic.

I'd give it an 80%.

Viking Andrew said...


So half-assed. This venue has been that way all summer. We need a launch party.

Where's loco?

Robyn said...

For a non-Snus user, Snus can be annoying because you find yourself looking at Snus users wondering is their lip always that shape or do they just talk funny? have I been staring at them too long? Look away momentarily. Ok now look. That is definitely something in their mouth. wait no it isn't...errr.

Be more considerate of the people around you and announce you are putting a bag in your mouth. Thank you.

John said...

Is it hot making out with a man with a bag in his mouth?

laurie said...

I have never heard of this and I do not approve.

LoCo said...

I'm here. I'm just having a crisis-of-origins, which was made sharperby the heartfelt discussion of "snu" (is it naturally plural??). I'm glad Laurie hasn't heard of it either. How can I be both repulsed by smoking and constantly seduced by it?

Also, the packaging is really cute.

Also, "It's actually good enough to put in your mouth without an excuse" is, I believe, what she said.