2. Find a log submerged in a shallow part of a lake or river.
3. Drink a beer.
4. Have your redneck friend block one side of the log, either with his foot or beer-gut.
5. Swim down to log.
6. Put hand in log.
7. Wait for something to bite hand.
7a) If that something is a water mocassin, call 911.
7b) If that something is a turtle, pray you still have a finger.
7c) If that something is an enormous flathead catfish, continue to step eight.
8. Struggle with enormous flathead catfish, making sure to keep head above water, so often calling upon redneck friend(s) for help (though not so often as to be viewed as a quote-unquote fuckin' pussy).
9. Say, "Sumbitch" and "Motherfucker" as often as possible.
10. Use free hand to chug a beer.
11. Pull enormous flathead catfish onto shore.
12. Chug a beer.
13. Beat enormous catfish with paddle (or rock, if paddle not available).
14. Have redneck friend(s) take picture of you holding enormous flathead catfish.
15. Drink beer.
Rating: Oklahoma%
Click here to see it happen!
Awesome! Are you guys going to eat him?
displays rudimentary knowledge of satire
Catfish are what eat the scum at the bottom of your fish tank. The phrase "fried catfish" makes me feel sick. Still, I would not punch a catfish in its whiskered face.
In my world, Noodling has a completely different definition.
That catfish is unreal.
And catfish are definitely not kosher, but there's nothing like a fish fry.
Did you see the documentary on noodling, Andrew?
You mean Okie Noodlin, Chris? If so, then yes. It made a major impact on my young, white trash psyche. As far as catfish and its relationship to the kosher diet, I'll simply say this: you aren't fucking semitic, so let the good times roll!
Yeah, that's it! And I was responding to Loco's comment about catfish as a food.
But how do these guys catch 'em without getting "finned"?
Good question, Chris. I know the general make-up of a catfish differs wildly from let's say your basic black bass. What I do know is that their barbels (the reason they're called 'catfish') can hurt. I think there's an understanding in the noodling community that, no matter what, you're probably going to bleed once all is said and done.
Damn, I've heard some bad stories about catfish wounds. I was terrified to catch catfish as a kid because I knew I'd have to unhook them. Always hoped there was a bass on the other end.
There are also all sorts of class issues that come with bass fishing v. catfish fishing.
Also, it seems Fake R3 Persona is either asleep, or not willing to touch Keybun.
stereotyped version of gay man, borderline homophobia
If I was ever to be executed for a crime that I did not commit, I'd want my last meal to be spiced catfish with rice and beans, washed down with Jack Daniel's.
My downward spiral began when a flathead catfish nipped off a part of me that I just don't want to talk about.
noodling is fucking great. I caught a 40 pounder once
I spent 24 years of my life in Oklahoma and I never once went noodling.
Fried catfish is pretty tasty though.
I. Don't. Get. It.
You're from Florida. How do you not get it?
There are a lot of things about Florida that never made sense to me, Andrew.
The catfish is God's own fish, and beer is God's own anaesthetic. One and a half thumbs up.
Man, I wish my home state could be famous for something other than lunatic anti-choice legislators and people who want to wrassle catfish.
We also have tornadoes! So, you know, uh, there's that in our favor. Um.
I wish I had something to make you feel better about Oklahoma. I really, really do.
Wait! I got it!
Andrew, I went to the other state college.
I think I'm just going to have to develop a perverse pride in noodling.
isnt tom joad from oklahoma thats something
That's true (n)BNL. As is Garth Brooks.
i hear cat stevens is from their too
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