Short reviews of pretty much whatever. Finally, you can discover if Frosted Flakes Gold has more social worth than Illmatic or Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
Monday, November 17, 2008
This Shirt I Bought At The Renaissance Festival
Worn this year in Texas? Dork alert! Worn fifteen years from now in any state out of driving distance? Instant hipster cred. I'm not sure which is worse (just kidding).
Could someone explain to me the coolness of wearing a shirt about a state outside that state? Such shirts can be purchased on those "funny shirts" sites, which means they're not even real out-of-state state shirts.
Is that, like, another layer of irony? Or do people only get those who don't get that it's not REALLY cool unless you bought it at a thrift store and it's a really EARNEST out-of-state state shirt? Or is that kind no longer cool?
When I was in Italy I got excited to see someone wearing a hoodie that said "Brooklyn," until that person spoke no English. Then I realized for some reason these hoodies were big sellers at the flea market. So shoppista's right; people can make up ironic shirts about anything. I'm going to make a Sugarland High Abstinence Club shirt for myself for xmas.
Does that pegasus turn into some kind of white worm in it's back half? Woof. They need to be biding out the design on those things.
holy fuck shits bomb as hell got this one at the flee market theother day like 9.95$
came with a buterfly knife
sick wit it
Nice flying pony. I may have to stick up for the odd sexist, but at least my friends aren't homophobic.
Tom, I heard those giant animal shirts are becoming cool among the hipster crowd also, so there you go.
wats a hipstar
In fifteen years, will hipsters even still exist?
theyll be working at arbys... ironically
girl pants they wear will come in size xxl motherfckers eating so many curly fries
i was goinga pick one of these out for you but i was filled with an overwhelming malaise from looking at hipster pictures so you can figure it out yusef
Could someone explain to me the coolness of wearing a shirt about a state outside that state? Such shirts can be purchased on those "funny shirts" sites, which means they're not even real out-of-state state shirts.
Is that, like, another layer of irony? Or do people only get those who don't get that it's not REALLY cool unless you bought it at a thrift store and it's a really EARNEST out-of-state state shirt? Or is that kind no longer cool?
I really can't keep up with this stuff anymore.
When I was in Italy I got excited to see someone wearing a hoodie that said "Brooklyn," until that person spoke no English. Then I realized for some reason these hoodies were big sellers at the flea market. So shoppista's right; people can make up ironic shirts about anything. I'm going to make a Sugarland High Abstinence Club shirt for myself for xmas.
whos shoppista
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