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Sunday, August 24, 2008
Wedding Crashers
This is the most boring, unfunny, misogynist piece of shit movie I have ever had the misfortune of watching. It frightens me that men love this movie. Boooo.
Well you were right not to believe them, Glenn. My roommate kept trying to convince me it wasn't a sexist (and kind of racist) piece of crap by arguing that was the joke, but I saw nothing in this movie to indicate self-awareness, irony, or intelligent writing.
I don't remember the movie very well, but I wasn't exactly struck by its sexism, racism, or misogyny. What exactly do you mean?
A lot of people defend offensive things by saying they're satirical, and a lot of other people bash satirical things because they take them literally. My personal least favorite is when people say, "It's so stupid that it's funny." Christ, I hate that.
Nah. Wedding Crashers is just so stupid that it's stupid.
I don't see what's so great about most critically acclaimed comedies lately. Judd Apatow is not the comedic Messiah everyone makes him out to be. Superbad was one of the worst pieces of crap I've sat through in a long time. Seth Rogen needs to get off of my TV and off of my students' lists of idols. Will Ferrell needs to either make more quality films like Stranger Than Fiction or just retire. As for Vince Vaughan and Owen Wilson, it's getting to the point where I actively avoid their films.
I like a lot of Judd Apatow things. Like his TV shows, and some of his movies, although his crew seem to be everywhere these days. Also, I laughed more at Superbad than I did at any other movie last year. But I'm pretty immature, as evidenced by every review I've ever done on this site.
I agree, Superbad was pretty funny, but I also suffer from immaturity. Wedding Crashers also sucks and I watched it because everyone said it was so great. Well, it isn't.
The thing that really pissed me off about Wedding Crashers is that every woman in the movie is either an idiot, an idiot who swoons over marriage, an idiot/slut who is so turned on by weddings that she believes the shit these assholes are spewing and puts out, just plain slutty, crazy, retarded, or some offensive mix of any of the above. And the only girl who shows an ounce of non-crazy and possibly some intelligence still ends up falling for one of the womanizing asshole, but only after she believes all his lies and then of course forgives him because he's just that dreamy or some such unexplained shit. So there's your sexism/misogyny.
Pick your pleasure girls! You can be gullible, slutty, crazy, and/or retarded. WHAT THE FUCK?
And I thought the butler guy with the really bad Jamaican accent (the ONLY black person in the movie) was kind of racist.
I think we all need to agree that Vince Vaughn's movie career is over.
Also, guys in movies or on TV can be the most disgusting spectacles, really horrendous to look at or listen to, and it totally doesn't matter because they will get cast beside "hot"-looking girls. I want to see some movies where beer-bellied, stubbly-legged ladies with unbrushed hair get drooled over by pretty himbos. That actually sounds like my kind of porn.
I think we all need to agree that Vince Vaughn's movie career is over.
Also, guys in movies or on TV can be the most disgusting spectacles, really horrendous to look at or listen to, and it totally doesn't matter because they will get cast beside "hot"-looking girls. I want to see some movies where beer-bellied, stubbly-legged ladies with unbrushed hair get drooled over by pretty himbos. That actually sounds like my kind of porn.
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I've never seen this movie, but everybody always tells me it's awesome, and I secretly did not believe them.
Well you were right not to believe them, Glenn. My roommate kept trying to convince me it wasn't a sexist (and kind of racist) piece of crap by arguing that was the joke, but I saw nothing in this movie to indicate self-awareness, irony, or intelligent writing.
I don't remember the movie very well, but I wasn't exactly struck by its sexism, racism, or misogyny. What exactly do you mean?
A lot of people defend offensive things by saying they're satirical, and a lot of other people bash satirical things because they take them literally. My personal least favorite is when people say, "It's so stupid that it's funny." Christ, I hate that.
Nah. Wedding Crashers is just so stupid that it's stupid.
I don't see what's so great about most critically acclaimed comedies lately.
Judd Apatow is not the comedic Messiah everyone makes him out to be.
Superbad was one of the worst pieces of crap I've sat through in a long time.
Seth Rogen needs to get off of my TV and off of my students' lists of idols.
Will Ferrell needs to either make more quality films like Stranger Than Fiction or just retire.
As for Vince Vaughan and Owen Wilson, it's getting to the point where I actively avoid their films.
I like a lot of Judd Apatow things. Like his TV shows, and some of his movies, although his crew seem to be everywhere these days. Also, I laughed more at Superbad than I did at any other movie last year. But I'm pretty immature, as evidenced by every review I've ever done on this site.
I agree, Superbad was pretty funny, but I also suffer from immaturity. Wedding Crashers also sucks and I watched it because everyone said it was so great. Well, it isn't.
The thing that really pissed me off about Wedding Crashers is that every woman in the movie is either an idiot, an idiot who swoons over marriage, an idiot/slut who is so turned on by weddings that she believes the shit these assholes are spewing and puts out, just plain slutty, crazy, retarded, or some offensive mix of any of the above. And the only girl who shows an ounce of non-crazy and possibly some intelligence still ends up falling for one of the womanizing asshole, but only after she believes all his lies and then of course forgives him because he's just that dreamy or some such unexplained shit. So there's your sexism/misogyny.
Pick your pleasure girls! You can be gullible, slutty, crazy, and/or retarded. WHAT THE FUCK?
And I thought the butler guy with the really bad Jamaican accent (the ONLY black person in the movie) was kind of racist.
I think we all need to agree that Vince Vaughn's movie career is over.
Also, guys in movies or on TV can be the most disgusting spectacles, really horrendous to look at or listen to, and it totally doesn't matter because they will get cast beside "hot"-looking girls. I want to see some movies where beer-bellied, stubbly-legged ladies with unbrushed hair get drooled over by pretty himbos. That actually sounds like my kind of porn.
I think we all need to agree that Vince Vaughn's movie career is over.
Also, guys in movies or on TV can be the most disgusting spectacles, really horrendous to look at or listen to, and it totally doesn't matter because they will get cast beside "hot"-looking girls. I want to see some movies where beer-bellied, stubbly-legged ladies with unbrushed hair get drooled over by pretty himbos. That actually sounds like my kind of porn.
loco said... "I want to see some movies where beer-bellied, stubbly-legged ladies with unbrushed hair get drooled over by pretty himbos."
Right on! Shallow Hal is about as close as I've ever seen to that, though Jack Black is definitely not a himbo.
Well it doesn't necessarily reflect well on the fact that men are often portrayed as pigs in movies or on TV. Oh, wait...nevermind.
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