Friday, August 1, 2008


500 is a number that is ok I guess. If you get paid $500 for a poem that's good, and once upon a time there was a $500 bill with William McKinley on it, but if you got fined $500 for littering that would blow. When you have a blog and you get to post #500, some people might care and notice, and other times you might just have a small cache of regular readers, seven or eight of whom are posters on the blog, but that's ok because at least you're trying. The prime factors of 500 are 5X5X5X2X2. 500 years ago some boring old timey shit was probably going on, who am I historian Stephen Ambrose or something? All in all 500 is a good number but not as good as 1000.

PS - Uncanny X-Men #500 just came out last week and that took them 45 years, so we are beating the X-Men guys.

RATING: 500%


Anonymous said...

500! Awesome...that's as good a reason as any to have another Bud.


Chris said...

Here's to another great 500. I think by 1,000 posts this website will explode to like 150 hits per day. Boy o' boy, that'd be great!

Chris said...

I just noticed the Chile Relleno tag. Glad we could make use of it again. See, tag with comedic effect.

Loren said...

I hope they make this 500 into a movie.

LoCo said...

They're going to. I've already started waxing down the extras.