Short reviews of pretty much whatever. Finally, you can discover if Frosted Flakes Gold has more social worth than Illmatic or Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.
It's funny that you still gave it 26%.
Well, it is kind of cool, I have to admit.
Try engadget. That's where I get all my tech news. Hooray for Skynet.
58 words, eh? Now all the terminator has to do is get you to sit still for 10 minutes and listen to his list of vocabulary items.
Yeah but the thing is that after learning the first 56 words, it was able to intuitively pick 2 new words out of brain scans.
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It's funny that you still gave it 26%.
Well, it is kind of cool, I have to admit.
Try engadget. That's where I get all my tech news. Hooray for Skynet.
58 words, eh? Now all the terminator has to do is get you to sit still for 10 minutes and listen to his list of vocabulary items.
Yeah but the thing is that after learning the first 56 words, it was able to intuitively pick 2 new words out of brain scans.
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