Sunday, September 22, 2024

Full Circle

While travelling to Gallifrey, the TARDIS passes through a Charged Vacuum Emboitment, sending the Doctor and his companions out of their own universe and into the Exo-Space-Time Continuum, aka E-Space. What does that mean exactly? That's not entirely clear yet. But what is clear is that instead of ending up on Gallifrey, the TARDIS arrives on a planet called Alzarius, where a strange phenomenon called Mistfall has begun. With the help of a brilliant young Alzarian named Adric, the Doctor begins to unpack the myths of Mistfall. Full Circle is a pretty entertaining serial. The script is good, the characters are interesting and the effects are fairly decent. The E-Space element of the plot isn't particularly well defined but the rest of the story is engaging enough that it never becomes a distraction.

Rating: This isn't Gallifrey%

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