Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Way of the Dragon

aka Return of the Dragon

In The Way of the Dragon, Bruce Lee plays Tang Lung, a young martial arts student who travels from Hong Kong to Rome to help a restaurateur who's being harassed by gangsters. Tang Lung's "Chinese boxing" skills provide the restaurant with some short term victories against the bad guys, but the campaign of violence and intimidation continues to escalate. The film climaxes with an epic fight between Tang Lung and a hired killer from America played by Chuck Norris. Enter the Dragon might be Bruce Lee's best film but The Way of the Dragon is probably my favorite. The mixture of fish out of water comedy and stellar fight choreography is a refreshing break from the dour plotting of Bruce Lee's other films. And, if you didn't already know, the fight between Lee and Norris in the Colosseum truly is spectacular. 

Rating: 73%

(Image from Wikipedia)

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