Sunday, May 12, 2024

Total Recall

Every night, Douglas Quaid dreams about Mars and a mysterious brunette. Are they just dreams or are they memories buried deep inside his brain? Is it even his brain? Total Recall is an ultra-violent sci-fi action movie directed by Paul Verhoeven, based on a story by Philip K. Dick. The plot combines a twisty-turny spy narrative with clever sci-fi concepts and then Verhoeven throws in enough violence to put his own RoboCop to shame. I keep bringing up the violence because Total Recall is so unbelievably, gleefully violent. At every opportunity, Total Recall goes over the top and then some. If you've seen the film, you might remember that there is a woman in the movie with three breasts. You don't get to see her topless just once. No, you get to see her topless three times because that's the kind of movie it is.

Rating: 82%

(Image from Wikipedia)

Fun Fact: Robert Picardo, from Star Trek: Voyager and countless Joe Dante movies, provided the voice for Johnnycab.

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