Sunday, June 11, 2023

Under Siege 2: Dark Territory

Terrorists hijack a super secret military weapons satellite with the intention of blowing up the Pentagon. To avoid detection, they plan to launch the attack from a moving passenger train. Just one problem, Casey Ryback happens to be on that train. Those terrorists don't stand a chance. If Under Siege was Die Hard on a boat, then Under Siege 2 is Die Hard on a train. The only problem with that being that trains are inherently small, cramped spaces. Any action sequence happening inside the train has to be shot very close up, making the fights a little hard to follow. Under Siege 2 hits a lot of the same beats as the first movie but the action feels a little watered down. The cast is a little underwhelming as well, which is hardly their fault. How could they compete with Tommy Lee Jones and Gary Busey? Beloved TV crankypants Kurtwood Smith and Jonathan Banks are underused and Katherine Heigl, playing Ryback's niece, is given very little to do.

Rating: 62%

(Image from Wikipedia)